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Книги, похожие на «Cathy McDavid, Come Home, Cowboy»

James Axler
Decades after the nukecaust, Earth's fate remains in a stranglehold. The stunning otherworldly design of the blueprint for domination is crucial to rescuing humanity from eternal slavery.As the Cerberus exiles dare to challenge the planet's increasingly powerful usurpers, the battle to navigate time and dimension continues–aided by brute force and the age-old strategies of war.Kane and the team learn of a secret doomsday weapon rumored to be hidden in Russia. But where would the paranoid scientists of communist rule hide a battleship-sized device from aliens of supreme intelligence and mind-reading abilities? Where few can fi nd it–on another astral plane, complete with whitecoats still unaware of the nukecaust. But mysterious interlopers have tapped into Cerberus intelligence, forcing their bid to control the Death Cry. And if Cerberus can manifest the Death Cry into reality–the potential for one last global holocaust becomes a death race.
Don Pendleton
The covert teams of Stony Man Farm battle terrorist threats few know exist. Operating under the President, these elite warriors and cybertech experts are bound by honour and ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the innocent, overseas or on U.S. soil.Ecoterrorism becomes the perfect cover for a renegade Chinese and North Korean military group. Striking Japanese whaling and oil vessels on the high seas, the terrorists plan to trigger an economic war between Japan and the States. But when a Japanese delegation is attacked on U.S. soil, Able Team gets the call to hunt down those behind the lethal ambush while Phoenix Force goes in to stop the mass targeting of sailors and fishermen on the Pacific. With the mastermind behind the scheme still unknown, Stony Man Farm can only hope the trail of bodies will lead them to their target.
James Axler
The quest for Earth's domination remains the primary directive of an ancient, inhuman enemy. Challenging this alien bid for iron rule, an elite force led by former magistrates wages war against Earth's enslavers. These rebel commandos are resourceful, dedicated and possess the immutable human willpower to survive–by any means necessary….The Original Tribe, technological shamans with their own agenda of domination, challenged Cerberus once before and lost. Now their greatest assassin, the Broken Ghost, manipulates the rebel stronghold's technology after a secret attack, trapping the original Cerberus warriors in a matrix of unreality and altering protocols so that their doppelganger counterparts invade the redoubt unnoticed. As the Broken Ghost destabilizes Earth's greatest defense force from within, the true warriors struggle to regain a foothold back to the only reality that offers survival….
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