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Книги, похожие на «Cathy McDavid, Come Home, Cowboy»

Don Pendleton
With a mandate to combat terror, the ultra-covert action team called Stony Man works outside official channels. Elite field commandos operate with real-time intelligence from master cybernetics experts. Grit and tactical brilliance are Stony Man's best weapons–and America's best chance when terror strikes from the sky to threaten the globe.An American neo-Nazi has declared war on the governments of the world. His group, Fist of Heaven, controls six weapons platforms in deep space and has launched high-shock kinetic missiles at major cities. The deadly spears have struck London, Moscow, Los Angeles and Tokyo. The death toll is staggering. America is losing the battle to save the planet from the hands of a madman. Grim and determined, Stony Man's teams prepare for the worst as they unleash their own brand of righteous retribution against the Fist of Heaven.
Don Pendleton
When Intelligence sources link two suspicious deaths in New Mexico with a move by the Russian mafiya to infiltrate the Native American casinos, the national security risk runs dangerously deep. Control of this resort area guarantees possession of the tribal reservations' nuclear waste plant.Now the mob's primary objective is under way: processing plutonium for nuclear warheads in America's own backyard. Mack Bolan is on the move with members of the Stony Man commando teams, locked in the crosshairs of the Russian gangsters and racing against time and the odds. This treacherous field operation involves kidnapping, murder, classified secrets and a killing spree that won't end until Bolan claims victory–or forfeits his final fight to death.
James Axler
MYTHIC PROPORTIONSInsidious alien forces conspiring to enslave humanity grow increasingly dangerous and defiant. Willing to do whatever it takes to defeat these ancient invaders, the Cerberus rebels carry on the fight for freedom.DAMNATION THRALLThe Cerberus fighters embark on an urgent quest to discover what happened to expeditions lost in Italy, on land that once belonged to the Etruscan empire. On site they encounter the monstrous Charun, armed with the hammer of the gods, and Vanth, the angelic winged huntress with a heart of evil. These alien gods are intent on opening a portal to bring their kind to earth, harnessing the power of victims' minds while using their bodies as shock troops. As the river Styx is poised to flow again, the Cerberus team must prevail or an invasion from a barbaric dimension will lay siege to Europe…and beyond.
James Axler
The collapse of the hybrid-ruled baronies offers a glimmer of hope for an Earth free from the shackles of the alien race that has subjugated humankind since the dawn of time. But the Annunaki threat remains ominous. For the Cerberus rebels, safeguarding the future of the human race remains daunting…and deadly.A new and horrific face of the Annunaki legacy appears in the Arizona desert. A shambling humanoid monster preys on human victims, consuming their energy, burning their souls–leaving empty, mindless shells in its wake. Trapped inside this creature, the souls of rogue Igigi, once the treasured slave caste of the Annunaki, seek hosts for their physical rebirth. And no human–perhaps not even the Cerberus rebels–can stop them from reclaiming the planet of their masters for themselves….
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