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Книги, похожие на «Cathy McDavid, Come Home, Cowboy»

Don Pendleton
Unflinching duty and patriotism stand at the core of the covert operations group known as Stony Man. Answering only to the Oval Office, and with a mandate to strike before the world suffers, the clandestine field and cyber operatives work without a warrant and outside the law, enabling them to strike down those who obey no law.A powerful U.S.-based consortium has begun a full-scale assault to take over the world. Attacking on multiple fronts, this secret cadre has enough high-tech weaponry to push nations to an apocalyptic standoff–and now China, Russia and the Middle East are poised to unleash swift, savage and bloody nuclear retaliations. Stony Man teams are spread thin, racing to stop the unthinkable as the world is pushed over the edge of reason, and an unseen, perhaps unstoppable, enemy brings the planet seconds closer to flash point.
Don Pendleton
All bets are offA group of insiders has stolen a top-secret code that could compromise the entire U.S. defense system. Mack Bolan is called upon to track the security breach, only to discover he's too late. With half of the code now in the possession of a radical terrorist group, the stakes have suddenly been raised and U.S. aircraft carriers are sitting ducks in the Persian Gulf.The terrorists have joined forces with a Las Vegas crime family, and Bolan must infiltrate the Mob to stop the final transaction. As the Middle East edges closer to war, the Executioner has no choice but to unleash a battle of his own.
Don Pendleton
A plot orchestrated to destabilize the Western world has its roots in a mysterious business conglomerate with ties to Chinese conspirators. And the established battleground is a volcanic island off the coast of Spain.There, an army of multinational terrorists bound by hate and violence is about to trigger a tsunami that will wash hell across two continents. While Stony Man's cybercrew runs real-time command and control, Phoenix Force and Able Team launch a multipronged ground assault on the corporation behind the planned tidal wave and its ruthless backers.
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