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Книги, похожие на «Fraser William Alexander, Bulldog Carney»

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A spine-tingling thriller from the bestselling author of the Rizzoli & Isles series.The small resort of Tranquillity, Maine, seems like the perfect spot for Dr Claire Elliot to shelter her son, Noah, from the temptations of the city and the traumatic memory of his father's death. Claire's hopeful that she can earn the trust of the town as she builds a new practice. But her plans unravel when an outbreak of teenage violence, far more deadly than anything she has encountered in the city, erupts in the local school.In trying to find a medical explanation for this murderous epidemic, Claire stumbles upon an insidious evil which has blighted the town's past and threatens its future. Terrified that Noah too is at risk, she must prove her theory before everything she loves is destroyed.
Don Pendleton
MISFORTUNES OF WARNightwind, the military's best-kept secret, is the most lethal anti-missile aircraft in America's arsenal. Its solid-state laser system and advanced optics make it virtually indestructible and infinitely lethal. But, willing to barter his secrets to enemies of the Western world, the scientist who created it has sold out. The blueprints for Nightwind are going on the auction block in exchange for cold hard cash.Brokering the deal is an ex-KGB killer with traitors on his payroll. Nikolai Kursk's vision is limited only by his capacity for power. Not only has he put the scientist and the system plans on the market, he's about to up the ante by stealing the plane itself.His buyers are dealing because they want to see America burn. And their blood money suits Kursk just fine. But that kind of currency carries a price–soon to be collected in full by the Executioner.
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