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Книги, похожие на «Fraser William Alexander, Bulldog Carney»

Don Pendleton
Deep inside Mexican cartel country, a dirty bomb is making its way north across the U.S. border.The location and eventual destination remain uncertain, but Mack Bolan is closing in on the radioactive caravan with luck and some dubious associates as his only allies. Bolan's orders are to find and take out the immediate threat, but he soon discovers that his mission doesn't end there–it's just the beginning of a bigger, grimmer picture that involves an international New Age cult. Across the globe, a self-styled guru has enlisted a massive army of disaffected Soviet and South American veterans as his shock troops in a new and apocalyptic war–against the world.
Don Pendleton
Demolition ChargeThe disappearance of two CIA agents in London plus intelligence chatter involving the IRA and access to weapons of mass destruction launch Bolan's hard probe in the British Isles. Suspecting the IRA link is the lesser part of something more far-reaching and sinister, Bolan recruits a renegade force to close in on a traitor high in the ranks of the British government–exposing a conspiracy involving stolen Russian nuclear submarine warheads and a death deal brokered with Iran. All that stands between a desert continent and a crippling blow to humanity is Bolan's sheer determination to take whatever action necessary to thwart a victory for terror.
James Axler
No one waits long for trouble in Deathlands–it's everywhere in the remains of a nuke-altered civilization. The American dream was annihilated more than a century ago by the country's own unchecked power play. But the worst may be yet to come.Built upon a preDark military installation in former California, a ville called Progress could be the utopia Ryan Cawdor and his companions have been seeking. A place where humanity and technology thrive, it's the nucleus of a new hope for Deathlands. The successful replacement of Ryan's missing eye with a cybernetic prosthetic nearly convinces the group that their days of surviving hell are behind them. Then they discover that the high tech in Progress isn't designed to enhance human life, but to destroy it. To block the final assault, the companions must stop Ryan from becoming a willing pawn in the eradication of mankind.
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