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Книги, похожие на «Enrike Fluence, Werecat Choice»

James Axler
A nuclear endgame played out among the superpowers created a fiery cataclysm that turned America into a treacherous new frontier. But an intrepid group of warrior survivalists roams the wastelands, unlocking the secrets of a pre-dark world.Ryan Cawdor and his band have become living legends in a world of madness and death where savagery reigns, but the human spirit endures….The South Pacific is a rad-blasted paradise, inhabited by giant mutated crustaceans and savage cannibals. The local baron rules the Marshall Islands with a despotic iron fist and a secret formula for making Deathland's gold: gunpowder. But his true invincibility lies in his possession of stockpiles of pre-dark rapid-fire missiles and a fleet of functional PT boats. Ryan Cawdor and his companions have faced off against the baron and survived. But this time there's only one way out of these death seas–through the sec-men-infested waters of the baron's kingdom. Imagine your worst nightmare. This is Deathlands.
James Axler
More than a century past the fiery dawn of post-nuclear America, Ryan Cawdor and his companions journey across a land lost yet reborn, where lawless violence and human perseverance clash, and unsolved mysteries hint at redemption. Though hope lingers under the blood and the dust, looking blindly toward the future is the surest way to get killed.Staying hard and cold for today is the only way to survive…Traversing the terrain of Utah, Ryan Cawdor and his warrior survivalists find new evidence that the past is alive and dangerous–with a score to settle. Once before they'd battled and destroyed the brilliant and cunning cyborg known as Delphi, but he's reborn and ready to continue his drive for domination. His vast understanding of preDark tech, his cadre of well-armed cutthroats and his legions of worshippers make him monstrous in his quest for power. And he's eager for the keys to the kingdom that only the legendary Deathlands survivors–and their secrets–can help him attain.
B.J. Daniels
HOW HARD COULD IT BE TO FIND A COWBOY IN MONTANA…?All J.T. McCall cared about were cattle. He'd always been the responsible brother and had taken over the day-to-day management of the family-owned Sundown Ranch years ago. He was as authentic as a cowboy can come–and Regina Holland knew it.He was just what she was looking for, and she was determined to have him–for business purposes only, of course. So when she finagled a job with his cattle drive deep in the Montana mountains, she didn't count on becoming a killer's target or on falling for J.T. But would they survive the assault of a madman?
James Axler
No one waits long for trouble in Deathlands–it's everywhere in the remains of a nuke-altered civilization. The American dream was annihilated more than a century ago by the country's own unchecked power play. But the worst may be yet to come.Built upon a preDark military installation in former California, a ville called Progress could be the utopia Ryan Cawdor and his companions have been seeking. A place where humanity and technology thrive, it's the nucleus of a new hope for Deathlands. The successful replacement of Ryan's missing eye with a cybernetic prosthetic nearly convinces the group that their days of surviving hell are behind them. Then they discover that the high tech in Progress isn't designed to enhance human life, but to destroy it. To block the final assault, the companions must stop Ryan from becoming a willing pawn in the eradication of mankind.
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