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Книги, похожие на «Enrike Fluence, Werecat Choice»

Don Pendleton
For a group of fundamentalist extremists, stealing a shipment of weapons-grade plutonium from Pakistan was almost too easy. Now they have everything they need to construct a terrifying weapon–on U.S. soil. They believe their plans are virtually undetectable but Mack Bolan is on their trail.When the Executioner tracks the stolen plutonium he uncovers a brutal network hiding behind the scenes of the professional motorcycle-racing circuit. The world of professional motorcycle racing is fast and dangerous and comes complete with corrupt oil companies, al Qaeda ties and murder.The race has already started–and only the winner will survive.
Carol Ericson
Gage Booker risked his life in the raid on a remote compound in the jungles of Colombia, only to discover his quarry gone and an injured woman left for dead, a woman his covert operative would be a fool to trust.But her amnesia seems real – and so does the passion exploding between them.
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