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Книги, похожие на «Various, Exposure»

Diana Palmer
Where is it written that a rancher’s daughter has to marry a long, tall Texan—or lose the ranch that’s her home?In Dana Mobry’s father’s will! And Dana has just discovered that her partner in this marriage of convenience is none other than the sexiest cowboy in Texas—Hank Grant!
Kate Walker
Lily remembered the day she'd met Ronan Guerin, and the instant compelling chemistry. She remembered their glorious wedding day, and what had followed– an unforgettable night of passion. But the morning after, Ronan had left, claiming he'd married her only to gain revenge on her brother!Lily had been devastated, especially when she discovered the supposed reason for Ronan's revenge– her brother owed him a lot of money. Then Ronan returned, looking for Lily's brother, and decided to stay in their marital home. Finally Lily was about to find out what the real problem was, and how Ronan really felt about her…
Louise Fuller
Luis Osorio wants two things: Cristina’s truth—and her body!Life has taught billionaire Luis that everyone has an ulterior motive. And when the beautiful stranger he spent one scorching night with reveals herself as his famous family’s new photographer, alarm bells start ringing! He whisks Cristina away to his island fortress, determined to isolate her and uncover the truth. Only to realise he’s rekindled a desire from which there is no escape!
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