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Книги, похожие на «Sharon Ashwood, Valkyrie's Conquest»

Elizabeth Lane
A new life in Wyoming! Newly widowed, Eve Townsend is left with a grand title and not a penny to her name. She doesn't know what future she can build in the Wild West…but she's ready to learn, and to reunite with her family.When she arrives in Wyoming, she discovers her beloved sister's death and sets about caring for her niece and nephew. But burly Clint Lonigan is everywhere she turns! Even though he's Eve's opposite in every way, maybe a rough-mannered cowboy is just what this genteel countess needs…
Don Pendleton
A series of high-profile shootings in Virginia exposes a deadly scavenger hunt with numerous factions competing for the prize. An ex-CIA cryptologist who created an unbreakable code has unwittingly been sold out to the terrorist group who can get to him first.Before any more innocent lives are lost, Mack Bolan must intercept the human bounty and keep the code from falling into enemy hands.With several fully equipped foreign black ops groups tracking his every move and willing to die for their cause, Bolan is running out of time, ammunition and options. He has only one choice–turn the war back on the terrorists. A single American citizen may hold the key to military superiority, but there is only one soldier who can defend it–the Executioner.
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