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Книги, похожие на «Sara Orwig, The Ransomes: Matt, Nick and Katherine: Pregnant with the First Heir»

Джанис Мейнард
Realising his entire life is a lie, Pierce Avery hires Nicola Parrish to find answers. Learning he has a family he never knew is mind-blowing; discovering the desirable woman behind his new lawyer’s professional façade puts him over the edge.But could his growing passion be blinding him to Nicola’s real motives?
Emilie Rose
Roth Sterling is a straight shooter, a guy you want on your side. As a soldier, he defended his country. As a cop, he upholds the law. For a kid who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, he's done well for himself. Now he's back in his hometown, only this time, he's the new police chief.He's in for a few surprises, however. Piper Hamilton–the girl he loved–still has the power to move him. And they are tied together thanks to the son he didn't know he had. Roth is determined to do right by Piper, whatever it takes. Even if it means becoming the one thing he never thought to be–a family man.
Emilie Rose
Wedding His Takeover TargetNothing could stop Aspen resort heir Gavin Jarrod’s new land deal. Not even a demand that Gavin marry perfect stranger Sabrina Taylor. After a whirlwind seduction, he had her wed and bedded…to their mutual satisfaction. But soon his bride announced she was pregnant with his child and she wanted a real father for her baby or this merger was off!Inheriting His Secret Christmas BabyThe enticing woman seated in Trevor Jarrod’s office claimed the Aspen businessman was the father of her baby nephew. But the confirmed bachelor knew nothing about being a parent. And Haylie Smith wasn’t about to hand over the precious infant to a complete stranger. If Trevor really wanted to claim his unexpected heir, he had an important choice: head to court…or head to the altar!DYNASTIES: THE JARRODS A powerful family divided by secrets, reunited to forge a dazzling future
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