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Книги, похожие на «Робин Карр, Redwood Bend»

Lynne Marshall
The deliciously tempting doc…New surgeon Jared Finch is causing a storm in Nurse Practitioner Kasey McGowan’s clinic! She’s got better things to think about, but what’s a girl to do when Jared’s been nicknamed Dr Tall, Dark and Gorgeous?She comes with baggage, he’s got a whole baggage carousel – and giving in to their attraction risks everything. But the desire is oh-so-tempting…
Энни Берроуз
Debutante Katherine Malahithe has come to London determined to resist the fortune hunters only interested in her money.Her efforts to appear unattractive successfully ward off most suitors—except for Viscount Maldon, a man who wants to avoid marriage as much as Katherine.The handsome, provoking Viscount becomes an unlikely ally, but can either of them escape the altar when friendship turns to passion…and scandal?
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