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Книги, похожие на «Michael Stewart, Heathcliff Is Not My Name: A Story from the collection, I Am Heathcliff»

Peter Newman
The Vagrant is his name. He has no other.Years have passed since humanity’s destruction emerged from the Breach.Friendless and alone he walks across a desolate, war-torn landscape.As each day passes the world tumbles further into depravity, bent and twisted by the new order, corrupted by the Usurper, the enemy, and his infernal horde.His purpose is to reach the Shining City, last bastion of the human race, and deliver the only weapon that may make a difference in the ongoing war.What little hope remains is dying. Abandoned by its leader, The Seven, and its heroes, The Seraph Knights, the last defences of a once great civilisation are crumbling into dust.But the Shining City is far away and the world is a very dangerous place.
Мишель Смарт
The man she loves to hateElena Ricci never expected her two-day getaway to end in blackmail, forced marriage and the need for a successor. But that’s what happens when Gabriele Mantegna kidnaps her!With Gabriele holding documents that threaten her family’s reputation, there’s nothing fiery Elena won’t do to stop their release. Including marrying the man who would betray her.But as Elena's body ignites with Gabriele’s every touch, what will happen when the chemistry that blazes as brightly as their hatred leads to a legacy that will last a lifetime?
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