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Книги, похожие на «Liz Fielding, Prisoner Of The Heart»

Сара Крейвен
Mills & Boon proudly presents THE SARA CRAVEN COLLECTION. Sara’s powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades making her an international bestseller.Brief and disastrous. That described exactly the marriage of Davina and Gethyn Lloyd.Now, their first meeting in two years–at Gethyn's home in Wales–only confirmed the tangle of misunderstanding that lay between them.And while Davina might acknowledge deep inside herself that all the old cravings for him were still there, it was a different matter to betray her feelings to him. What had changed, after all?He had only the hollowness of passion to offer her, not the warm reassurance of loving she needed!
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Seducing her boss!To Kane Marshall, her arrogant boss, Natalie had always been the perfect secretary: quiet, efficient, undemanding. For five years Kane had thought he controlled her life – and secretly Natalie knew he controlled her heart! But now – with a new image and her confidence renewed – the time had come for Natalie to stop dreaming and live life to the full.The trouble was, Natalie's new independence was a challenge Kane couldn't resist. Natalie was playing with fire, and it seemed that scorching seduction was on the agenda!
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