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Книги, похожие на «Kathleen O'Reilly, Pillow Talk»

Jillian Hart
New neighbor Chad Lawson seems too perfect. At least to Rebecca McKaslin, who's been burned by a Prince Charming–type before.Worried, her loving family supports her time-out from romance. Yet, as Rebecca gets to know her handsome, churchgoing neighbor, his reliable, friendly nature challenges her resistance to relationships. Soon, she wonders if God put him in her life for a reason. Should she accept this rare gift and risk her heart again?
Susan Crosby
First comes baby, then comes marriage…and love? Keri Overton thought her one night of passion with Jake McCoy would be her only memory of him, until she discovered she was pregnant with his child. Fortunately a safe haven beckoned: Jake’s home town of Chance City. Too bad he was out of town. Permanently, it seemed.But imagine her surprise at an unexpected baby-shower guest: the child’s father! And everyone expected these soul mates to marry, so marry they did. Could their in-name-only union possibly turn into the real thing?
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