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Книги, похожие на «Kathleen Creighton, The Awakening Of Dr. Brown»

Сара Крейвен
Mills & Boon proudly presents THE SARA CRAVEN COLLECTION. Sara’s powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades making her an international bestseller.Lissa Fairfax wasn't quite sure whether she wanted to marry the attractive Frenchman, Paul de Gue. So she gladly accepted his invitation to visit the family chateau and meet his relatives.Unfortunately this also involved meeting the austere Comte Raoul de Gue. He made it clear the he did not want Lissa marring into the family!
Jo Leigh
Her scent intrigued him…Arousing. Exciting. Those words and more fit the woman David Levinson met purely by chance at the scarf counter. Susan was sunshine, flowers, silkiness and sex…and David ached to have her.And so did her propositionHeiress Susan Carrington was tired of being the good girl, playing it safe, protecting her heart. She craved adventure–with no strings. «Meet me on Wednesday night,» she whispered in David's ear, shocked at her boldness.It was an incredibly hot encounter. Arousing. Exciting. As was every Wednesday they met after that… Except soon David wanted Susan seven days a week–with strings attached.
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