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Книги, похожие на «Kat Martin, Royal's Bride»

Lindsay McKenna
When mining engineer Cat Kincaid was trapped in a cave-in, it was gently bullying Slade Donovan who talked her through the terrifying hours until her rescue. And it was slyly masterful Slade Donovan who spirited her home to his Texas ranch to heal.Though drawn to Slade's rugged brand of courage, though warmed by his masculine attentions, Cat felt deeply, uncomfortably indebted to him. And now he needed her expertise to help him build an emerald mine. But would risking her life again earn merely his gratitude, when what she wanted was his love?
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I'm immune to male charm and good looks!That was what Christina told herself – and Adam Palmer had more than his fair share of both qualities… as Christina knew only too well, having had a crush on him since she was a teenager! But he'd responded to her naive infatuation with arrogance and scorn, and Christina had finally managed to harden her heart against him… just as Adam seemed to take a sudden interest in her!What was he up to? Famous for preferring leggy blondes, he had to be amusing himself by toying with plain, sensible Christina's affections! Well, two could play at that game… .
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