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Книги, похожие на «Karen Sandler, Her Baby's Hero»

Lindsay McKenna
STATE SECRETSEven to Secret Service agent David Goddard, Holly Llewellyn's life remained a mystery. Tangled in the controversy swirling around them, David wondered, was it her secrets that fascinated him… or Holly herself?THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMASMorgan Trayhern's toughest mercenary, Colt Hamlin, is looking to lie low this Christmas, but he may just have a change of heart when his matchmaking boss puts him in the path of Montana's prettiest widow.
Fiona Harper
For Adele and Nick Hughes this idyllic evening for two is the last place either of them wants to be. Their marriage over, they never believed they could find their way back to each other. But stranded in this picturesque cottage, Adele and Nick find they cannot resist the spark that has always fizzed between them.As the twinkling firelight begins to work its magic, this couple discovers that the wonderful thing about breaking up is making up….
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