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Книги, похожие на «Justine Davis, The Wrangler's Bride»

Caroline Cross
SHANE WYATT WAS MORE THAN A MAN He was dad to a dimple-cheeked two-year-old – but not by blood. A pediatrician's visit had proved that fact, rocking Shane's world and forever changing the way he viewed women. He didn't trust anyone – not with the precious child who called him Da-da, and certainly not with his heart… .JERRY ROSS WAS ALL WOMAN…and undeniably, irrevocably in love with the stubborn single dad. So when she saw her larger-than-life hero distancing himself from both the world and his baby girl, she knew she needed to break down his walls to reach the fiercely passionate man trapped inside… .
Bronwyn Scott
London, 1835 Dashiell Steen, heir to the Earl of Heathridge, is tired of boring dinner parties and matchmaking mamas. He craves one final adventure before he’s forced to settle down—and finds it with a vivacious beauty escaping from a manor window!Elisabeth Becket’s intelligence and rebellious sprit excite both his mind and his body, stirring a mutual attraction (desire) that neither can resist. But will their illicit encounter last when Elisabeth discovers Dashiell is the unwanted suitor she was trying to escape?
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