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Книги, похожие на «Janie Crouch, Cease Fire»

Робин Карр
Former actor Dylan Childress left the L.A. scene behind years ago for a quiet life running an aviation company in Montana.But with business slowing down, Dylan is starting to wonder whether he should take one of the offers Hollywood keeps sending his way. He figures a motorcycle trip to Virgin River with his buddies might help him decide what path to take.But his own troubles are left at the side of the road when he spots a woman stranded on the way into town. Katie Malone and her twin boys’ trip to Virgin River is stopped short by a tire as flat as her failed romance. To make matters worse, it’s raining, the boys are hungry and Katie is having trouble putting on the spare. So when some bikers pull up beside them, offering to help, all Katie feels is relief.Then she sees sexy, leather-clad Dylan Childress, and in one brief moment the world turns on its axis. Katie’s a sensible single mother and Dylan’s a die-hard commitment-phobe. Neither one is looking for long-term romance. But sometimes it takes only a moment to know you’ve found something that could change your life forever.
Сьюзен Виггс
Summertime begins with a Susan WiggsOlivia Bellamy has traded her trendy Manhattan life for a summer renovating her family’s crumbling holiday resort. Tempted by the hazy, nostalgic memories of summers past – childhood innocence and the romance and rivalries of her teens – it’s the perfect place to flee after her broken engagement.But what began as an escape may just be a new beginning…As Olivia uncovers secrets buried thick with dust, one by one her family return, their lives as frayed at the edges as the resort. Her father and the mystery woman in the tatty black and white photograph. Uncle John, who's trying to be a father again to his teenage kids. Connor Davis, the first love she never forgot.Laughter is ringing around Willow Lake once more.This could be Olivia's summer of a lifetime!Perfect for fans of Cathy Kelly
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