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Книги, похожие на «James Axler, Serpent's Tooth»

Don Pendleton
The badlands of North Dakota become a war zone when a former Pentagon researcher stumbles across a Chinese terrorist plot to unleash deadly prions into the country's largest supply of cattle feed. With America's food chain and the lives of millions in jeopardy, Mack Bolan knows he must shut down the organization–and it has to happen fast.But with the local authorities on the enemy's payroll, and an army of mercenaries tracking his every move, there's no safe place for Bolan. Heavy fire power alone will not win this fight–Bolan must rely on his battle instincts if he's going to prevent tragedy. The Executioner will risk everything to succeed…because if he fails, the United States may never recover.
Don Pendleton
Stony ManFighting battles few even know exist, the covert officers of Stony Man Farm are the most elite soldiers and cyber techs in the world. The team knows that if they don't succeed, innocent victims will die.Rebel DeceptionA civil war in the Middle East is the perfect breeding ground for Al-Qaeda's brand of terror. Taking advantage of the chaos to fuel violence between rebel fighters and government forces, Al-Qaeda's ultimate goal is to dominate the war-torn country–no matter how many civilians they kill in the process. On the President's orders, Phoenix Force drops in to stop the attacks before more blood is shed. Able Team remains stateside to ferret out a rebel mole who has stolen nuclear weapons from an American facility and plans to smuggle them into the Middle East. With the lines between right and wrong beginning to blur, Stony Man is sure of one thing: their only cause is the millions of lives at stake.
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