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Книги, похожие на «James Axler, Reality Echo»

Don Pendleton
The men and women of the covert defence team Stony Man were handpicked because they believe in a cause, driven by a passion that sends them into daily battle against impossible odds. The computer wizardry of the agency's cybernetics team enables the two action units to strike multiple blows for justice against the world's predators.But now, even the cloak of secrecy around Stony Man isn't enough protection from the notorious cybercriminal KA55ANDRA….She claims to be prophetess of a new age, but her agenda of destruction is aimed directly and very personally at one powerful man inside one of America's highest offi ces. Her reign of terror is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of lawmen, soldiers and intelligence operatives and shows no sign of stopping. Her destructive genius is fuelled by white-hot vengeance, and she's not above spreading mass murder across the globe to achieve it. For Stony Man, it's a showdown of blood and justice that's as personal as it gets.
Don Pendleton
The discovery of deadly biological poisons and mass slaughter at an archaeological dig in Egypt puts a previously hidden enemy in Bolan's crosshairs.It begins hot, fast and bloody as Bolan unearths a mysterious pretender to the Egyptian throne who is harnessing the bloodlust of terrorist groups to launch a Middle East endgame. Playing all factions–Muslim, Jewish and Christian–against the others, the self-proclaimed Eternal Pharaoh has the ambition and the army to unleash a storm of violence in the region that promises all-out war. This dark enemy and his predecessors have sown the seeds of their magnificent coup for generations, but never anticipated an enemy so righteous in his fury–a relentless, implacable hunter called the Executioner.
Don Pendleton
The Republic of Sudan plunges into deeper chaos as weaponized Ebola is unleashed by extremists seeking total destabilization. As a brutal African warlord masterminds the murderous plague ravaging Sudan, his Russian black market conspirators and rogue allies in high places bankroll the ethnically charged slaughter, spreading panic and anarchy.Silent screams for retribution echo from the dead and dying, and Mack Bolan enters the fray, determined to give the terrormongers something to fear. The Executioner's message is loud and clear: justice is his only mandate. He won't stand down until Africa's tyrants pay the ultimate price for their bloodlust.
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