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Книги, похожие на «James Axler, Necropolis»

Don Pendleton
With a mandate to combat terror, the ultra-covert action team called Stony Man works outside official channels. Elite field commandos operate with real-time intelligence from master cybernetics experts. Grit and tactical brilliance are Stony Man's best weapons–and America's best chance when terror strikes from the sky to threaten the globe.An American neo-Nazi has declared war on the governments of the world. His group, Fist of Heaven, controls six weapons platforms in deep space and has launched high-shock kinetic missiles at major cities. The deadly spears have struck London, Moscow, Los Angeles and Tokyo. The death toll is staggering. America is losing the battle to save the planet from the hands of a madman. Grim and determined, Stony Man's teams prepare for the worst as they unleash their own brand of righteous retribution against the Fist of Heaven.
Don Pendleton
The covert teams of Stony Man Farm battle terrorist threats few know exist. Operating under the President, these elite warriors and cybertech experts are bound by honour and ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the innocent, overseas or on U.S. soil.Ecoterrorism becomes the perfect cover for a renegade Chinese and North Korean military group. Striking Japanese whaling and oil vessels on the high seas, the terrorists plan to trigger an economic war between Japan and the States. But when a Japanese delegation is attacked on U.S. soil, Able Team gets the call to hunt down those behind the lethal ambush while Phoenix Force goes in to stop the mass targeting of sailors and fishermen on the Pacific. With the mastermind behind the scheme still unknown, Stony Man Farm can only hope the trail of bodies will lead them to their target.
Don Pendleton
The men and women of the covert defence team Stony Man were handpicked because they believe in a cause, driven by a passion that sends them into daily battle against impossible odds. The computer wizardry of the agency's cybernetics team enables the two action units to strike multiple blows for justice against the world's predators.But now, even the cloak of secrecy around Stony Man isn't enough protection from the notorious cybercriminal KA55ANDRA….She claims to be prophetess of a new age, but her agenda of destruction is aimed directly and very personally at one powerful man inside one of America's highest offi ces. Her reign of terror is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of lawmen, soldiers and intelligence operatives and shows no sign of stopping. Her destructive genius is fuelled by white-hot vengeance, and she's not above spreading mass murder across the globe to achieve it. For Stony Man, it's a showdown of blood and justice that's as personal as it gets.
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