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Книги, похожие на «James Axler, Cradle Of Destiny»

Don Pendleton
The badlands of North Dakota become a war zone when a former Pentagon researcher stumbles across a Chinese terrorist plot to unleash deadly prions into the country's largest supply of cattle feed. With America's food chain and the lives of millions in jeopardy, Mack Bolan knows he must shut down the organization–and it has to happen fast.But with the local authorities on the enemy's payroll, and an army of mercenaries tracking his every move, there's no safe place for Bolan. Heavy fire power alone will not win this fight–Bolan must rely on his battle instincts if he's going to prevent tragedy. The Executioner will risk everything to succeed…because if he fails, the United States may never recover.
Don Pendleton
When Stony Man is called to battle, the crisis is real and immediate. Cybernetics experts run logistics from the war room of a secret facility known only to the President.The commando teams of Able Team and Phoenix Force lead the ground fight–consummate soldiers dedicated to protecting the innocent. The world isn't aware of Stony Man, but Stony Man remains vigilant: guarding that fine line between hell and earth.Small farming towns across America, Europe and Asia have come under attack by a virulent new biochemical cocktail that induces the ravages of starvation in less than a day. The group behind it promises to decimate the human population unless its twisted demands are met by government heads. As this radical anti-industrial group launches its deadly countdown, Stony Man works feverishly to stop the horrifying plague from spreading–before a global megacull leaves only a handful of people to weep for the earth.
Don Pendleton
FURY SPIRALThe prolonged conflict between the Irish Republican Army and the Protestant Nationals is escalating beyond Ireland's borders. Now America is being lured into the cross fi re through a deeply rooted conspiracy designed to force the U.S. government to take its war on terror to the Emerald Isle.Mack Bolan's mission begins with information retrieval. He must find out who is using terrorist threats to force U.S. intervention in Northern Ireland. Evidence piles high against the Protestant Orange Order, which wants the world to endorse the existence of two Irelands. But when the Executioner uncovers a plot to launch a dirty bomb on American soil, the true threat–and the real face of the deadly enemy–comes under his lethal and personal attack.
Don Pendleton
On the verge of creating a breakthrough peace initiative in the Middle East, Dr. Sharif Mahoud is on the run, hunted by purveyors of terror who see the true threat of a powerful visionary bringing bitter rivals to the bargaining table.Dr. Mahoud is good for peace, and good for the world–which is why the Oval Office directs Mack Bolan to track down the brilliant negotiator hiding deep within the Afghan hills, locate his stranded family, then get them all to safety. But the mission is compromised from the start with hostile forces dogging Bolan's every move. Soon, the true face of the enemy begins to emerge: beyond the violent radicals and extremist thugs, stand the rich and powerful investors and shadow men who understand that warfare is big business–and will do whatever it takes to keep turning a profit on blood and suffering.
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