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Книги, похожие на «Gena Showalter, The Darkest Pleasure»

Louise Allen
Julia Livia Rufa is horrified when barbarians invade Rome and steal everything in sight.But she doesn't expect to be among the taken! As Wulfric's woman, she's ordered to keep house for the uncivilized marauders. Soon, though, Julia realizes that she's more free as a slave than she ever was as a sheltered Roman virgin.It would be all too easy to succumb to Wulfric's quiet strength, and Julia wants him more than she's ever wanted anything. But Wulfric could one day be king, and Julia is a Roman slave. What future can there be for two people from such different worlds?
Энни Берроуз
Debutante Katherine Malahithe has come to London determined to resist the fortune hunters only interested in her money.Her efforts to appear unattractive successfully ward off most suitors—except for Viscount Maldon, a man who wants to avoid marriage as much as Katherine.The handsome, provoking Viscount becomes an unlikely ally, but can either of them escape the altar when friendship turns to passion…and scandal?
Janelle Denison
Lawyer Ryan Matthews wanted sexy Jessica Newman the moment he saw her. And she seemed to want him, too, but something was holding her back. So now Ryan decides it's time to launch a sensual assault. He is going to have Jessica in his bed–and he isn't above tempting her with her own forbidden fantasies to do it….Jessica isn't really playing hard to get. In fact, she's pretty sure a relationship with Ryan wouldn't work…although faced with Ryan's plan to seduce her senseless, she can't exactly remember why. She's constantly on edge, wondering what sensual scheme, what erotic pleasure Ryan has in store for her. She's definitely enjoying the chase–but does she dare let Ryan finally catch her?
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