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Книги, похожие на «Emma Knight, Risen (Book #6 of the Vampire Legends)»

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One kiss could be the lastSeventeen-year-old Layla just wants to be normal. But with a kiss that kills anything with a soul, she's anything but normal. Half demon, half gargoyle, Layla has abilities no one else possesses.Raised among the Wardens—a race of gargoyles tasked with hunting demons and keeping humanity safe—Layla tries to fit in, but that means hiding her own dark side from those she loves the most. Especially Zayne, the swoon-worthy, incredibly gorgeous and completely off-limits Warden she’s crushed on since forever.Then she meets Roth—a tattooed, sinfully hot demon who claims to know all her secrets. Layla knows she should stay away, but she’s not sure she wants to—especially when that whole no-kissing thing isn’t an issue, considering Roth has no soul.But when Layla discovers she’s the reason for the violent demon uprising, trusting Roth could not only ruin her chances with Zayne…it could brand her a traitor to her family. Worse yet, it could become a one-way ticket to the end of the world.
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When your world is paranormal, be glad that you’re human… The breathtaking conclusion to the bestselling Paranormalcy trilogy, which left Hush, Hush author Becca Fitzpatrick exclaiming, “I’m in love!”After the shocking revelations about her parents and the faeries’ struggle for possession of her soul, all Evie wants is to spend a normal Christmas with her shapeshifter boyfriend Lend. But as usual things don’t turn out as planned for Evie, as suddenly the International Paranormal Containment Agency, the local paranormals and her faery ex-boyfriend Reth are all in need, and only Evie and her powers can save them. Once again… so much for normal.
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