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Книги, похожие на «Emanuele Cerquiglini, Un Helado Para Henry»

Maria Mezzatesta
It is about an English-style detective novel.On 29 of October 2003, Ms. Carol Tompkins, an antique dealer, finds herself involved, for a strange twist of fate, in the murder of Sally Barnes, who was killed by a slit to her throat. Superintendent Baxter investigates the case, collecting countless clues about the victim and the people that were part of her life. Many are the leads to follow, and it is plausible that behind the murder there are financial interests connected to the sale of the Barnes’s villa, and especially to the disappearance of extremely valuable daggers, among which one that had belonged to Cleopatra. Carol finds herself being investigated, and is unaware of the killer’s motive, but she will strive to defend her innocence. Eventually, she will discover the truth that will render justice not only to the victim Sally, but also to her own life, wiping out the blanket of shadows and hypocrisy that wrapped it.
Renzo Samaritani
The fragile but strong friend next door, in search of Love, inner Beauty and whatever else the life and a trip to India will dedicate her. Stefania through the latter will explore costumes, customs, traditions and the different religions that coexist with related Divinity, ascetics and celebrations. Finally she will know the Essence. It will be like retiring in a beautiful and unspoiled glimpse of Nature, where there is nothing and no one but the encounter and profound communion with one's self.”I loved it for aesthetic reasons and for the sensitivity you have in telling, a truly rare quality – nowadays, most of the writers get some writing done in such a rude way… you have class instead, and sensitivity and sense of narrative, you are one of those storytellers who I would keep listening open-mouthed for hours… it is also a delicate moment for me and then, on a personal level, it has ”upset me”… It had a terrible ”cathartic effect”, pleasant and a little scary at the same time… You have a beautiful talent, what I call the ability of real writers to let their readers live other lives by expanding their own experiences that perhaps they will never truly live, but it's like… The autobiographical style is a brave choice. This function is even more needed, but I guess it has not been an easy path… I thank you for having written it and have enriched me!” Laura
Jane Fade Merrick
An illustrated Slice of Life novel. Three lives entwine because of a subtle coincidence. A girl on the edge of society, an extremely rich weird kid and one of the most popular pop stars of the planet.Fade lives a life left on her own, struggling constantly to survive in a society that swallows everyone who doesn’t keep up with its pace; her only company is a kitchen knife and a scar embedded in her leg that reminds her every day of who she is and why she is there. While she’s stealing in a supermarket, she meets Jag, a boy with a disturbing appearance who convinces her to join him in his weird plan: to become the main sponsor of one of the most successful bands of the moment, of which he’s a huge fan, and – apparently – he doesn’t lack the money to do so. She allows herself to be convinced to meet Nef, a typical playboy, who eventually will learn that the world isn’t all at his feet like he thought…
Anton Soliman
Le Grand Ski-lift : un gigantesque réseau de remontées mécaniques permettant aux skieurs d’évoluer dans un domaine qui couvre l’hémisphère boréal tout entier. Poussé par son besoin de renaissance, désirant oublier le Monde connu et les règles de la Tradition, Oskar Zerbi s’introduit illégalement dans ce circuit. Dans cette infinité de pistes et de sommets blancs, il est poursuivi par un mystérieux interlocuteur, et fait des rencontres étranges qui le renvoient aux bribes d’un passé oublié. Investi d’une dangereuse mission, il comprendra petit à petit la nature réelle de sa quête. Se dirigeant toujours vers le nord, il se réappropriera la connaissance de lui-même et de son passé, découvrant à quel point il est lié au Grand Ski-lift. Dans les terres désolées du Nord extrême, il accèdera enfin à la révélation ultime…
Danilo Clementoni
“We were on our way back. Only one of our solar years had passed since we had been forced to leave the planet in haste, but for them, in Earth years, there had been 3,600. What would we find?”Nibiru, the twelfth planet of our solar system, has an extremely elliptical and retrograde orbit, which is much larger than that of all the others. In fact, it takes approximately 3,600 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. Its inhabitants, seizing the opportunities afforded by this cyclical approach, have been making systematic visits for hundreds of thousands of years, each time influencing the culture, knowledge, technology and even the very evolution of the human race. Our ancestors have referred to them in many ways, but perhaps the name that best represents them has always been “Gods”.Azakis and Petri, two friendly inhabitants of this strange planet on board the Theos spacecraft, are returning to Earth to retrieve a mysterious and precious cargo left hidden during their previous visit.A compelling and amusing story, but one that is full of suspense, with some potentially devastating reinterpretations of historical events.
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