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Книги, похожие на «Donna Young, Secret Agent, Secret Father»

Anne Stuart
House of ShadowsThe house on Sunset Boulevard has witnessed everything: from the infamous murder-suicide of a ’50s starlet and her lover, to the drug-fueled commune in the ’60s, to the anguish of its present owner, Jilly Meyer, who is struggling to preserve the house and what’s left of her wounded family. Man of Shadows Coltrane is a liar, a con man and a threat to everything Jilly holds dear. He is also her hated father’s right-hand man, a gorgeous, loathsome snake who doesn’t care whom he uses to get what he wants. And he’s made it clear he wants Jilly. But the question is, what does he want her for? Shadows at SunsetSomehow Jilly has to stop Coltrane from destroying everything she cherishes. Including her own vulnerable heart. And the only way to do that is to uncover what Coltrane is really up to, and that could mean upsetting the explosive secrets of the past.
Сара Крейвен
Mills & Boon proudly presents THE SARA CRAVEN COLLECTION. Sara’s powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades making her an international bestseller.Everyone depended on poor little «Mouse»Ginny's nickname didn't really suit her – she was the strong one in the family. Her sense of responsibility led her to take the job of housekeeper at Monk's Dower.It was no easy task. Not only did she have to contend with her suspicious, jealous employer, Vivien Lanyon, she also had to please Vivien's tenant, the famous playwright, Max Hendrick.At first Max was imperious, demanding – but then he seemed to sense Ginny's predicament. He extended a helping hand, but only in pity. And pity was not what Ginny wanted from Max Hendrick – not at all!
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