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Книги, похожие на «Daniel Silva, Portrait of a Spy»

Don Pendleton
The Cold War just got hot again… The old Soviet Bloc espionage games have resumed on a covert and catastrophic new playing fi eld: the U.S. fi nancial markets. The enemy isn't the Russian government, but long-dormant sleeper cells in America's cities, planted by the KGB decades ago.Now a former Kremlin official has found the top-secret files and stolen the blueprint, ready to pocket and manipulate America's resources. He has hijacked operation Black Judas, enlisted the KGB's most lethal assassin to terminate operatives, and has begun reshaping a brilliant plot to steal billions of American dollars. But he didn't plan on a beautiful Russian cop on a vengeance hunt, or an American warrior named Mack Bolan in deadly pursuit, gunning for blood and justice.
Valentino Grassetti
A psychological thriller where a girl falls in love with an invisible entity that she can only perceive thanks to her brother, a boy with paranoid schizophrenia. Daisy, sixteen, is determined to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. After an audition she is chosen to participate in a talent show. During the show the judges begin to dig into her past by asking her uncomfortable, often cruel, questions and all in the name of the share. While she confesses in tears that she had a childhood marked by her father's suicide, an accident occurs that causes the violent death of one of the judges. Adriano, Daisy's brother with schizophrenia, knows that this is no accident. Someone, or something, is creeping into the girl's life: an evil and murderous entity that only he can perceive. Meanwhile Guido, a young and shy journalist in love with Daisy, thanks to the accidental discovery of a seventeenth-century manuscript, begins to investigate the life of Pardo Melchiorri, a crippled painter convicted of heresy by the Holy Inquisition. The investigation will lead Guido inside the walls of a Benedictine monastery, where he will discover that Daisy's fate is linked to that of the painter who died four centuries earlier …
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