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Книги, похожие на «Cullum Ridgwell, The Son of his Father»

Don Pendleton
HIDE-AND-SEEKThe Himalayas become a deadly hunting zone when a nuclear warhead is stolen from a black-market warehouse in Kathmandu. Knowing the incident could start World War III, the President sends Mack Bolan and a CIA operative to retrieve the weapon in the treacherous border region between Tibet and Nepal.But the U.S. isn't the only country in the search. Bolan and his ally are up against cunning Chinese and Russian assassins, and several local warlords are vying for the valuable nuke, as well. These competing parties are determined to reach the weapon first–no matter how many witnesses they eliminate on the way. With few alternatives and the trail of innocent blood growing longer, Bolan accepts the help of an old spy. But can he be trusted? With the harsh mountain terrain working against them, the Executioner will need to rely on his wits to win this race…because coming in second is not an option.
Alistair MacLean
A magnificent tale of heart-stopping suspense from the highly acclaimed master of the genre.The Rocky Mountains, Winter 1873…One of the most desolate stretches of railroad in the West. Travelling along it is a crowded troop train, bound for the cholera-stricken garrison at Fort Humboldt. On board are the Governor of Nevada, the daughter of the fort’s commander and a US marshal escorting a notorious outlaw. Between them and safety are the hostile Paiute Indians – and a man who will stop at nothing, not even murder…
Bernard Cornwell
Richard Sharpe, now a sergeant, and his unit are attacked by apparent allies.Determined to uncover the traitors and avenge the killing of his men, Sharpe travels far into enemy territory, encountering once again his fearsome opponent, Obadiah Hakeswill. Their old quarrel over the death of the Tippoo Sultan and the whereabouts of his treasure resurfaces, and a warrant is issued…
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