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Книги, похожие на «Con Sellers, Brute»

Don Pendleton
MASTERMIND OF TERRORFor more than a century the world's most famous serial killer case has remained unsolved. Now, on the streets of London, the legend has come back to life–with a new twist. Jack the Ripper's grisly work is being recreated, leaving a city in terror. But this time the relentless killer wears body armor, has crack military training and a squad of former SAS commandos as his backup.Jack and his death dealers have a bloody agenda of greed, money and power, and they've got a workable operation in place to make it all happen. But this modern-day Ripper faces a foe that the original man of mystery never dreamed about: the Executioner.
Maureen Child
Passionate lover – Immortal Guardian! Reborn minutes after his death, Santos accepted eternal life in return for protecting humanity. For centuries, he has fought the demon threat alone. Until his sanctuary is invaded by a woman who claims to have seen him in a vision. Erin Brady cannot escape the prophecy that she will die on her thirtieth birthday. Santos knows that the beauty who can read his thoughts and heart is his destiny.With the threat of her imminent extinction ticking like a time bomb, Santos suddenly has something worth dying – and worth living – for!
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