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Книги, похожие на «Cliff Ryder, The Powers That Be»

Don Pendleton
Extreme Measures Cuba remains volatile, a powder keg that's got the full attention of the White House. Mack Bolan's soft probe into a missing Pentagon offi cial tracking Colombian ELN terrorist camps inside Cuba goes hard when his cover is blown.The connection between a notorious Cuban underworld cartel, Havana Five, and a growing army of leftist insurgents puts Stony Man and Washington on high alert. And with U.S. and global interests in jeopardy and a bloodbath just a hair trigger away, the situation is turning critical. Bolan, flanked by two of Stony Man's crack operatives, turns up the heat with a battle plan that hasn't failed yet–infiltrate, identify and destroy.
Don Pendleton
ROYAL CONSPIRACYIn the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a secret group within the military is plotting to oust the Royal Family. Their next move: kidnapping the playboy prince from a desert warfare training session outside Las Vegas. But Sin City already has its share of trouble, with authorities investigating the disappearance of two park rangers and coping with threats made by an anti-Muslim rancher who has a highly efficient militia of his own.It falls to Mack Bolan to keep the prince safe at all costs. But someone in the heir's inner circle is a traitor, and the agents working the park ranger case are bound by official procedure. When it comes to stopping the fall of a kingdom and preventing a bloodbath on US soil, the Executioner makes his own rules.
Don Pendleton
Immediate threats require immediate action–no questions, no explanations, no prisoners. Stony Man has the green light to strike against terror anywhere, anytime, and answer to no one except the President. Action-ready and combat-hard, the warriors of Stony Man know the stakes, and make their own rules….Powerful, sophisticated conspirators understand the power in global panic and fear. Using remote-control robots and local terror groups as muscle, this secret cadre has accessed nuclear power plants across the globe, and is poised to let hell loose. By shutting down the alternative fuel industry, they alone will control the world's energy. And as the clock ticks to worldwide meltdowns, Stony Man unleashes everything it's got in a race against a new face of terror….
Don Pendleton
Accountable only to the Oval Office and fully committed to the security of the U.S. in an ever-morphing terrorist landscape, the warriors of Stony Man never relent, tire or fold.America's last line of defence understands that all it takes for evil to prevail is for a few good people to stand down. For Stony Man, that day will never come. Not now. Not ever.The covert world of black ops takes on a sinister new twist as high-ranking rogue operatives offer super-tech weapons for sale to enemies of the United States in an effort to «fix» the Middle East. With buyers from Russia to Iran lining up for the prize, America's national security is about to blow up in a mushroom cloud, plunging Stony Man into a killing game with no end or winner in sight.
Don Pendleton
The Pacific Rim's most vicious human predators, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, are on the move again. But old-school terror tactics have given way to a more clandestine approach to hijacking global power.The Tigers have grassroots fundraising inside the United States and the death of a uniquely positioned software engineer tips to something big in the works. A young woman from a powerful family is ransomed at the same time a powerful new technology is stolen. Following the trail of both, Mack Bolan finds that it leads to Singapore and the murky waters of the Bay of Bengal. The Tigers have acquired a top secret satellite and soon the terror will go online.Staying one step ahead of their stone-cold pursuer and finding refuge in their fortified compound, the Tigers and their calculating leader give Bolan a fight for his life. He's willing to pay that price, but he'll take the terrorist leader and his pirates to hell with him for their crimes.
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