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Книги, похожие на «Carrie Lighte, Anna's Forgotten Fiancé»

Julia Justiss
AWAY FROM SOCIETY’S PRYING EYES…After suffering the loss of her beloved husband, quick-witted Lady Margaret Roberts has sworn off the pursuit of passion…that is until she meets Giles Hadley.Bitterly estranged from his family, reluctant viscount Giles knows all too well the devastation of an unhappy marriage. So, whilst he is prepared to indulge in an illicit affair, he must beware – for spirited Maggie awakens in him something even more forbidden: the desire to claim her as his wife!Hadley’s HellionsFour friends united by power, privilege and the daring pursuit of passion!
Rebecca Winters
A scandal outside the palace walls!Christina Rose secretly longs for a fairytale wedding, but her betrothal to Prince Antonio of Halencia was a ruse to prevent a royal scandal but dare she hope their convenient match could be something more.*Princess Shoshauna has followed royal convention all her life. When she meets soldier Jake, can she dare to dream of marrying for love?*Frustrated with the merry-go-round of political dinners and enforced good behaviour, Princess Lotty’s determined to try a normal life on for size. However, she’s completely unprepared for her sexy new boss, Corran McKenna!
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