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Книги, похожие на «AlTonya Washington, Rival's Desire»

Caroline Cross
The Single DadThough Alex Morrison's three little sons had terrific taste in picking out a dream mom, he had no intention of marrying the woman they chose. The boys wanted a mother, but Alex wasn't getting hitched – ever. The Matchmaking Kids The minute the Morrison boys met Shay Spencer, they put «Operation Mom» into place. She could handle anything – missing gerbils, exploding ant farms… even their dad. And the plan was working – sort of. The Perfect MomAll «Operation Mom» did was make Shay fall madly in love with the most confirmed bachelor father in the West. Perhaps it was time for «Operation Husband»… .
Carla Cassidy
After coming home and finding her father unconscious and her mother mysteriously missing, homicide cop Savannah Tallfeather teamed up with the one person she knew she could trust.Riley Frazier had faced a similar situation nearly two years ago and his quest for the truth was both honorable and heartbreaking. But when their investigation uncovered more questions than answers, Savannah found herself turning to Riley for much more…intimate reasons.Time and again Riley's comforting embrace, the penetrating blue depths of his eyes, allowed Savannah to momentarily forget why they were working together in the first place. Until evidence was found, linking their pasts and forever uniting their futures….
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