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Книги, похожие на «Adam Thirlwell, The Complete Short Stories: Volume 2»

Don Pendleton
Dedicated to a seek-and-destroy mandate when presidential directive sends them into the heat of battle, the cyber and commando teams of Stony Man hit hard and fast to remove threats of global magnitude.Now a secret terrorist organization has hacked its way into defence satellites–opening a trapdoor to Hell… America stands virtually defenceless as global security is compromised and nations prepare for the final conflagration that will end civilization. Stony Man gets a lead on a rogue Argentinean general and his twisted vision of a scorched and reborn planet Earth, but tracking the technology and the masters of destruction is a race where seconds count…and the loser will be humanity itself.
Don Pendleton
Operating under covert presidential directive, the clandestine antiterrorist organization Stony Man doesn't officially exist. Unofficially, they fight the fires bureaucracy can't or won't touch.Off the grid, under the radar and 100 percent deniable, the commando and cyber specialists of Stony Man are the ultimate problem solvers–and the best defense the nation has….Stony Man launch teams are rolling hot as convergent threats erupt across the globe. From South America to Somalia, Toronto and Kiev, the action is raging. Colombian narco-terrorists, Chinese Tongs, African warlords, a Russian kingpin, a cutthroat Saudi prince and a corrupt American lawyer are linked as agents of a shadow group called Seven. The ties and power of this nebulous organization go deep and dark–with the strength to leverage the ultimate power play against Stony Man itself.
Don Pendleton
A massive black-market weapons bazaar, where someone with enough money could outfit a small nation, becomes Stony Man's highest-priority target. And Mack Bolan is determined to be on this year's guest list.Setting out undercover into the African desert, he's about to close in when U.S. aircraft and armored vehicles–operated by men in American uniform–annihilate the crowd.The truth soon becomes clear. A growing syndicate struck the site in disguise to behead the smaller crime organizations and absorb what was left. While all eyes are on the U.S. to explain what happened, Bolan goes on the hunt for the real power behind the bloodbath. And the trail leads to the South China Sea, where a mysterious billionaire has launched an assault on the world's major ports. Hijacked cargo ships are heading for international cities. Unless Bolan can stop them…
Don Pendleton
National security missions requiring stealth, speed and direct action bring Stony Man into play. With a mandate to get the job done, this seasoned strike force is backed by a brilliant cybernetics team equipped to take real-time intelligence to the battlefield.At presidential command, Stony Man is armed and ready to fight back against tyranny and terror.An international crime ring rooted in China's underbelly is distributing raw materials for weapons of mass destruction. To halt the pipeline's uranium-smuggling operation, Phoenix Force is deployed to the Congo, while Able Team moves through the streets of Nicaragua, going up against cartels, corrupt officials and the Armenian mafia. Severely battered by calculated counterstrikes, Stony Man suffers casualties in an escalating battle to halt the sale of nuclear material, which is fast becoming a personal race against death….
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