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Книги, похожие на «A.C. Arthur, Winter Kisses»

James Axler
In the ruins of a nuke-shattered America, every man, woman and child of the apocalyptic frontier makes a perilous journey to the future. But there is a fork that divides the path toward humanity reborn…and the road deep into the hell that is Deathlands. Ryan Cawdor made his choice long ago, in this barbaric new world that conspires against hope…Eerie remnants of pre-Dark times linger a century after the nuclear blowout. But a traveling road show gives new meaning to the word chilling. Ryan and his warrior group have witnessed this carny's handiwork in the ruins and victims of unsuspecting villes. Even facing tremendous odds does nothing to deter the companions from challenging this wandering death merchant and an army of circus freaks. And no one is aware that a steel-eyed monster from the past is preparing a private act that would give Ryan star billing.… In the Deathlands, all you get is a one-way ticket.
Jennifer Armintrout
I am no coward. I want to make that perfectly clear. But after my life turned into a horror movie, I take fear a lot more seriously now. I finally became Dr Carrie Ames just eight months ago. Then I was attacked in the hospital morgue by a vampire. Now I’m a vampire and it turns out I have a blood tie to the monster who sired me. And of course he’s one of the most evil vampires on earth.With my sire hell-bent on turning me into a soulless killer and his sworn enemy set to exterminate me, things couldn’t get much worse – except I’m attracted to them both. Drinking blood, living as an immortal demon and being a pawn between two warring vampire factions isn’t exactly how I'd imagined my future. But, as my father used to say, the only way to conquer fear is to face it. So that’­s what I’ll do. Fangs bared.Love Sookie Stackhouse and Bella Swan? It’­s time to meet newly turned vampire Carrie Ames.
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